
Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK
Contact person: Charles Afriye
University of Gloucestershire
The University of Gloucestershire looks to treat each student as an individual, not just a number. The University has a close-knit, supportive community of staff and students who share in their passions, academic interests and goals. The University of Gloucestershire School of Business and Technology is situated in a brand-new, state-of-the-art centre at our Oxstalls campus in Gloucester. The £18 million development is home to our Business, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Law and Accounting and Finance courses.
The degrees offered range from the highly technical, to the creative, to the business oriented. Whatever the choice of degree, students are given the opportunity to develop excellent broad-base technical and problem-solving skills that will serve them well in any future career. Within the Business School students complete over 4,000 work placements and internships every year, at companies such as BT, O2, IBM and the Ministry of Defence.

Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK
Contact person: Ed Parkin
St Edward’s Preparatory School, Cheltenham
St Edward’s Preparatory School is a Catholic co-educational day school for pupils between the ages of 1 and 11. The School is situated in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire and is set in grounds of 45 acres.
The School aims to give pupils an environment in which each individual can enjoy the opportunity to develop talents and interests to the full, within a caring Christian community, so that each one is well prepared to embark upon a satisfying and purposeful adult life. Pupils attend the school from a wide area and from families with a variety of backgrounds. A small proportion of pupils are children of parents from the United States of America and other countries, who live and work in Cheltenham.
With the support of St Edward’s Senior School and the University of Gloucestershire, our Year 6 pupils (aged 10-11) have worked on developing their financial literacy through lessons and workshops for a number of years. We look forward to developing this element of the children’s education through the ProFiLE Project.

Location: Palermo, Italy
Contact person: Irene Ippolito
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo
Danilo Dolci
Centre for Creative Development Danilo Dolci is based on the experience of social and educational work carried out by Danilo Dolci and his collaborators, which started in Eastern Sicily back in 1952. The Centre stemmed from the need of offering the local communities a reality committed to practically solve the local problems, developing a creative space in which fostering awareness and bottom-up planning were the center of the action, paving the way for a real change. Since the beginning, the main focus of the Center were non-violent education practices as well as the development of a methodology – the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach – able to ease creative development at school and in the local territory.
At present, CSC Danilo Dolci is a non-profit association involving young people and adults, which mainly acts through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level.

Location: Palermo, Italy
Contact persons: Lucia Sorce, Enrica Mangione
Istituto Comprensivo statale
Rita Borsellino
The ICS Rita Borsellino has an average school population of about 800 students, distributed in three complexes and three school orders: childhood, primary and secondary school. The school’s main purpose is to create an educational community in which all the actors share the idea of working with innovative educational approaches.
The ICS “Rita Borsellino” bases its educational methods focusing on social inclusion giving the chance to the community to share experiences; this has launched a open community process that gave birth to the “Pact for the Territory – Station / Magione / Kalsa” (on September 19, 2017) between the Municipality of Palermo, the School and other institutions operating in the neighbourhood.

Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact person: Virág Suhajda
Rogers Foundation
for Person-Centred Education
Based on Carl R. Rogers’ thoughts we believe that a person can understand and fulfil him or herself through living, personal experiences and in accepting relationships. Our mission is to ensure this accepting relationship to people, and to have people understand and become conscious about its importance. Also we would like to understand and prevent all barriers against building up these relationships.
As a permanent educational institution we maintain a ’’non-school, called Rogers Academy, where young people looking for an alternative for traditional education can find their place as private learners.
In the last ten years we have implemented more than 50 educational projects in different areas but with common approach: drama pedagogy, arts therapy, free play, game-based learning, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, leisure time pedagogy, talent development, e-learning, sustainability education, human rights and equal opportunities and person-centred organizational development.

Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact person: Ágnes Török
Carl Rogers Person Centered School
and Kindergarten
RPCS is an elementary school and a kindergarten in one joint organization in Budapest, Hungary. The age group of the kindergarten is from three to five years (30 children), that of the elementary school is from six to fourteen years (178 children). The staff consists of four kindergarten teachers and two kindergarten helpers and 24 school teachers.
In 2013 Rogers School has developed its own curriculum together with four other alternative schools in Hungary in order to be able to work independently from the new (and rigid) statutory regulations. In 2014-15 we have joined Erasmus+ Mobility project to help our teachers in improving their foreign languge knowledge mainly to facilitate their outreach for new methodologies and know-how. In 2016-17 our teachers participated as a testing partner in Rogers Foundation’s Erasmus+ Eumoschool project for the development of learning materials aimed at helping educational professionals to teach concepts of emotional intelligence. To put it short, our teachers are open to self-improvement and are constantly looking for innovative means of education.

Location: Croatia
Contact person: Mario Bajkuša
Forum for Freedom in Education
Forum is a well-recognized civil society organisation active since 1992. It works on harmonising the educational system in Croatia with the educational standards of modern democratic societies, guided by the principles of choice and equal access to education that enables the self-realisation of a person.
Forum’s innovative, high-quality programmes provide support to teachers and schools, children and youth, university lecturers and professionals working with children and youth in the educational and the social welfare systems. The programmes of teaching advancement, civic and health education, skills of non-violent conflict resolution and improvement of school management are designed for those stakeholders.
The goals of Forum’s programmes are achieved through professional training seminars and educational activities, studies and analyses, campaigns and creative competitions, as well as through direct work with teachers and schools. Publishing plays an important role in disseminating best practices by way of compendia and other publications available on the organisation’s web site. Particular attention is paid to the development of high-quality programmes for children and youth so that they can gain knowledge and skills for their participation in societal and democratic processes.

Location: Croatia
Contact persons: Brigita Mateklo and Nikolina Čehok
E-mail: or
Osnovna škola Marije Jurić Zagorke, Vrbovec
2nd Elementary School Vrbovec (Croatia) was founded in 1997. It is located in Zagreb County, only 40km to the north of the capital. 700 pupils that attend it are 7 to 15 years old. Apart from the school in Vrbovec, there are also four branch schools (for 1st to 4th grade pupils only) located in nearby villages. The school in Vrbovec is a double shift school, while the students in branch schools have their lessons only in the morning.
From its founding to the present, much effort and financial resources have been invested in equipping the school and keeping the teaching process up to date and in educating the teachers and motivating the students as well.
In the local community, 2nd Elementary School Vrbovec is recognized for the professional work of both teaching and non-teaching staff.
Numerous extracurricular activities and projects allow students to discover their interests and develop their skills in different areas (music, ecology, STEM, volunteering…)